
Opening Titles Order

An important part of our opening is to follow the same order/ conventions that the titles are shown in the superhero genre. This is so that our film feels more authentic and so the audience will be able to link this convention back to other films in the same genre. For example, as seen below, during the superhero genre tends to style the director/producer as 'A ---- Film' or a 'A ---- Production', rather than 'Directed by' or 'Produced by'.

During the opening credits of Iron Man 2, the order of the credits is as below. 

1.) Distribution Company
2.) Production Company
3.) ‘A ---- Film’ Director
4.) Names Cast Members / Characters
5.) Producer
6.) Title Card

Again, for Superman Returns, I looked at the order of the credits, these followed a simmilar order and style to Iron Man's. For example the disribution and productions company appeared first and the directors name was styled as 'A Brian Singer Film'.

1.) Production/ Distribution
2.) Co-Producers
3.) ‘A ------ Production’ (Producer)
4.) ‘A ---- Film’ (Director)
5.) Title Card
6.) Names Cast Members / Characters

For a set of titles from a different genre of film, I looked at credits from Buried. Although some of the order is simmilar to these two previous films I have looked at. However, the rest of the titles took a different order and style.

1.) Production Company/ Co Production Companies
2.) ‘A ---- Film’ Director
3.) Names Main Cast Member
4.) Title Card