
Average Ratings

Average rating

For Spiderman 2, a well-known superhero movie, received these votes from Imdb. From these votes, first of all you can see that the film has received over 100,000 more votes from males, compared to females.

Males | 127, 785 Average Rating 7.6
Females | 37, 144 Average Rating 7.4

Also you can see how the average rating from the males is also higher than the females, this could show where in the audience these kind of films are most popular.

This is again shown through films such as batman, again showing the popularity from males more than females, both through the amount of votes and also through the rating, which always appears to be higher from males.

Males | 269,956 Average Rating 8.3
Females | 37, 144 Average Rating 8.1

Again this is shown, through the recent superhero movie, watchmen.

Males | 144, 038 Average Rating 7.7
Females | 16, 579 Average Rating 7.3